-- 杀死全部锁死进程 ALTER Proc Sp_KillAllProcessInDB @DbName VarChar( 100) as if db_id( @DbName) = Null begin Print ' DataBase dose not Exist ' end else Begin Declare @spId Varchar( 30) DECLARE TmpCursor CURSOR FOR Select ' Kill ' + convert( Varchar, spid) as spId from master..SysProcesses where db_Name(dbID) = @DbName and spId <> @@SpId and dbID <> 0 OPEN TmpCursor FETCH NEXT FROM TmpCursor INTO @spId WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Exec ( @spId) FETCH NEXT FROM TmpCursor INTO @spId END CLOSE TmpCursor DEALLOCATE TmpCursor end GO -- To Execute Exec dbo.Sp_KillAllProcessInDB 数据库名